Treatment of Debakey ⅰ Aortic Dissection by New Type of Three Branches Aortic Arch Covered Stent Graft Implantation 新型三分支主动脉弓覆膜支架治疗Ⅰ型主动脉夹层的研究
Application of Endovascular Stent Graft to Treating Intracranial Aneurysms 血管内带膜支架在颅内动脉瘤中的应用带膜支架治疗6例颅内动脉瘤的临床分析
Diagnosis and Management of Aortic Stent Graft Infection ( Report of 4 Cases) 主动脉支架移植物感染的诊治体会(附4例报道)
The thoracic aortic stent graft was inserted under fluoroscopic guidance just distal to the left common carotid artery, covering the left subclavian artery origin. 在透视下,胸主动脉支架被置入远侧至左颈动脉处,覆盖了左锁骨下动脉的发起部。
Upper-right corner is the assembled stent graft in vitro. 右上角的图片是支架模型。
Objective To evaluate diagnostic procedures and clinical outcomes of vascular prosthetic and stent graft infection. 目的评价人工血管移植物和支架型血管移植物感染的诊断方法和外科治疗。
Objective: To provide reference for choosing the appropriate stent graft ( SG) system in endovascular graft exclusion ( EVGE) for thoracic aortic dissection ( TAD). 目的:为选择合适的用于胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤(TAD)腔内隔绝术(EVGE)的移植物(SG)提供参考。
The minor stenosis was found in stent graft 2 of patients on the follow up angiography respectively at 6 and 8 months after the treatment. 2例于术后6、8个月复查造影显示支架区存在轻度狭窄。
Re intervention with an another stent graft placement was performed on 2 patients with recurrence of the AVF respectively at 3 weeks and two months after the procedures. 2例于术后3周、2个月因AVF复发,在原支架区再次置入一个被覆膜支架后残留瘘口闭塞;
Methods 18 AAA with other system diseases in the aged people were treated by endovascular stent graft bypass. AAA class included 1 case of type A, 11 cases of type B and 6 cases of type C. 方法18例应用腔内搭桥技术治疗的老年腹主动脉瘤患者,动脉瘤分型:A型1例,B型11例,C型6例。
Objective To evaluate the effect of endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm ( AAA) with homemade domestic stent graft. 目的探讨自制国产化支架移植物在治疗犬腹主动脉瘤中的作用。
An experimental study of a new stent graft 血管腔内支架人造血管的实验研究
The accuracy of the chosen stent graft based on 3D CE-MRA parameters was 100%. 根据3DCE-MRA选择内支架的准确性为100%。
Endovascular stent graft treatment of thoracic aortic dissections 腔内血管支架植入治疗胸主动脉夹层
Conclusion It demonstrates that it is possible to apply the technical feasibility of endovascular thoracic branched aortic stent graft to repair the intimal tear of dissection just beyond the left subclavian artery. 结论胸分支型主动脉支架人工血管适合于修复破裂口位于左锁骨下动脉开口旁的主动脉弓部夹层。
Endovascular exclusion with stent graft were successfully performed in 6 cases. 行支架型人工血管腔内修复术6个;
Results Two dogs died of thrombosis of the abdominal aorta at one day and two weeks after stent graft implantation with the thrombosis embolism rate being 11.1%. 早期的2条分别于术后1d和2周时死于腹主动脉血栓,支架栓塞率为11.1%。
Conclusion Because of good compatibility and high patency, homemade domestic stent graft can be used in the treatment of AAA by endovascular technique. 结论自制国产化支架移植物有良好的生物相容性和较高的通畅率,可用于腹主动脉瘤的治疗。
Treatment of the infrequent complications after stent graft placement for aortic disease 主动脉支架植入术后少见并发症及其治疗
Conclusion Stent graft is a useful tool for the endovascular treatment of skull basal aneurysms and carotid-cavernous fistulae in selected patients. 结论带膜支架对于某些颅底动脉瘤和颈动脉海绵窦瘘是有用的血管内治疗手段。
Conclusion: Endovascular stent graft deploy-ment may be a satisfactorily effective treatment for thoracic aortic dissections. 结论:腔内血管带膜支架植入治疗胸主动脉夹层近期疗效满意。
Application of covered endovascular stent graft in the treatment of canine model of abdominal aneurysm BAⅡ型国产覆膜支架在犬腹主动脉瘤模型中的应用
Results of endovascular repair of the thoracic aorta with the Talent Thoracic stent graft: The Talent Thoracic Retrospective Registry 利用TalentThoracic支架型人工血管行血管内胸主动脉修补的效果:TalentThoracic回顾性注册研究
Objective To study the clinical value of the treatment of aortic aneurysms with endovascular stent graft prosthesis. 目的探讨带膜支架腔内治疗动脉瘤的临床意义。
Endoluminal stent graft for aortic aneurysms: a report of six cases 带膜支架腔内搭桥治疗动脉瘤六例报告
Objective To determine which graft material is the better choice for endovascular stent graft by comparing the leakage and resistance to traction of stents covered internally and externally with either Dacron ( D), polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE), or expanded PTFE ( ePTFE). 目的通过比较涤纶(D)、聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)及可膨胀性聚四氟乙烯(ePTFE)覆盖内支架不同组配的漏出量及结合点的阻力,确定带膜血管内支架的最佳材料。
At the present stage, the domestic research in the structural design and manufacture of stent-graft is obviously insufficient, the clinical use of stent grafts relies heavily on imported which is very expensive. The stent graft is consists of stent unit and coated materials. 现阶段国内在覆膜支架的结构设计及加工制作方面的研究明显不足,临床运用的覆膜支架大部分依靠进口,价格昂贵。
Artificial vascular system mainly consists of the stent grafts and delivery systems, to some extent, the choice of the stent graft affected the therapeutic effect. 人工血管系统主要包括覆膜支架和输送系统,覆膜支架的选择在一定程度上影响了治疗效果。